You can learn more about how this site was made by reading the tutorial!

What can I do?

We've got a ton of blocks that are easy to use and get a lot done with little effort, so much in fact we made a little video exploring some of them!

Here's a list of just a few things to get started, or if your a pro, delete this content and have fun!

  1. Edit this content by hitting "Edit page" above
  2. Hit enter in a paragraph of text to add another one
  3. Click "Merlin" to see a list of all the things you can do
  4. Try to add a video, or edit this one
  5. Insert a video

This looks fun, let's go!

You, while using HAX

Get involved with HAX

We hope you enjoy working with HAX as much as the team has enjoyed building it! If you want to join our community, hit "Merlin" and look for the Discord link among other ways to get involved!